A Word to Rev. Mariann Budde - "Speak Truth!"
Rev. Mariann Budde said during her "sermon" at the Inaugural Prayer Service, “I ask you to have mercy upon the people in our country who are scared. There are gay, lesbian, transgender children, Democratic, Republican, Independent families — some who fear for their lives.”
Mariann Budde, you and so many around the world claim to speak as a representative of God. Yet, you and they are all false prophets and a shame to the true church of Christ, the scriptures and the one true God.
With that platform, a true prophet would be telling all the people of our nation and world about the truth!
You speak of unity. If you knew the scriptures or believed in them as the inerrant, infallible, inspired Word of God (which apparently you don't!), you would know that there will never be unity apart from salvation in Jesus Christ and the work of the Holy Spirit through born again believers in Jesus Christ. Unity will only ever be experienced among the brethren because of the Holy Spirit's work in their lives.
I beg you to repent of your unbelief, your religious theater; to lay aside your Pharisee ways; to stop parading around as many like you do "as a wolf in sheep's clothing," playing the harlot to Christ's great work - and be saved!
I'm not just calling you out, Mariann Budde, but all of you out there that disgrace the body of Christ by calling yourselves Reverends, Bishops, Preachers, Prophets, etc. Yet, you don't even believe the Bible is truth. You don't think the Bible trustworthy enough for you to surrender to its teachings on the requirements to hold its ordained positions. You, “brood of vipers,” only teach lies, for political purposes, for personal gain and vanity. You promote sin and rejoice in it.
May God have mercy on you all in the day you stand before His judgement seat!
That's the mercy you need to be concerned about for yourself and the people of this world!!!
Jesus will give you that grace and mercy if you acknowledge what Romans 10:9-10 says, "that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation."
May the fear of the wrath of God illuminate the salvation of God and move men to their knees in repentance!
Revelation 13:9, "If anyone has an ear, let him hear."
Written By:
Pastor Ray Renn
Mariann Budde, you and so many around the world claim to speak as a representative of God. Yet, you and they are all false prophets and a shame to the true church of Christ, the scriptures and the one true God.
With that platform, a true prophet would be telling all the people of our nation and world about the truth!
- The truth of John 14:6, "Jesus said, I am the way the truth and the life. No one comes to the father except through me."
- The truth of John 3:3, "Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God."
- The truth of Revelation 21:8, "But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone,"
You speak of unity. If you knew the scriptures or believed in them as the inerrant, infallible, inspired Word of God (which apparently you don't!), you would know that there will never be unity apart from salvation in Jesus Christ and the work of the Holy Spirit through born again believers in Jesus Christ. Unity will only ever be experienced among the brethren because of the Holy Spirit's work in their lives.
I beg you to repent of your unbelief, your religious theater; to lay aside your Pharisee ways; to stop parading around as many like you do "as a wolf in sheep's clothing," playing the harlot to Christ's great work - and be saved!
I'm not just calling you out, Mariann Budde, but all of you out there that disgrace the body of Christ by calling yourselves Reverends, Bishops, Preachers, Prophets, etc. Yet, you don't even believe the Bible is truth. You don't think the Bible trustworthy enough for you to surrender to its teachings on the requirements to hold its ordained positions. You, “brood of vipers,” only teach lies, for political purposes, for personal gain and vanity. You promote sin and rejoice in it.
May God have mercy on you all in the day you stand before His judgement seat!
That's the mercy you need to be concerned about for yourself and the people of this world!!!
Jesus will give you that grace and mercy if you acknowledge what Romans 10:9-10 says, "that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation."
May the fear of the wrath of God illuminate the salvation of God and move men to their knees in repentance!
Revelation 13:9, "If anyone has an ear, let him hear."
Written By:
Pastor Ray Renn
Vaughan Baptist Church would like to invite you
to join us for our Sunday morning
and Wednesday evening activities.
On Wednesday evenings, starting January 8th,
our children and youth will be learning
from a curriculum by Answers in Genesis titled,
Answers Bible Curriculum.
This curriculum is an excellent resource to help
expand knowledge of Biblical truths
and aid in forming a solid Biblical foundation
for our kids and youth.
We are currently offering 3 classes:
age 3 to kindergarten class,
1st grade to 5th grade class
and a 6th grade to 12th grade youth class.
In addition, we will be offering an adult Bible study
led by Pastor Ray Renn titled,
Understanding My Salvation
Sunday Activities:
Sunday School at 10am
Worship Service at 11am (Nursery and Children’s Church provided)
Wednesday Activities: 1/8/2025 – 6/25/2025
Children, Youth & Adult Bible Studies - 6:30-7:15 PM
Choir Practice - 7:15–8:00 PM
to join us for our Sunday morning
and Wednesday evening activities.
On Wednesday evenings, starting January 8th,
our children and youth will be learning
from a curriculum by Answers in Genesis titled,
Answers Bible Curriculum.
This curriculum is an excellent resource to help
expand knowledge of Biblical truths
and aid in forming a solid Biblical foundation
for our kids and youth.
We are currently offering 3 classes:
age 3 to kindergarten class,
1st grade to 5th grade class
and a 6th grade to 12th grade youth class.
In addition, we will be offering an adult Bible study
led by Pastor Ray Renn titled,
Understanding My Salvation
Sunday Activities:
Sunday School at 10am
Worship Service at 11am (Nursery and Children’s Church provided)
Wednesday Activities: 1/8/2025 – 6/25/2025
Children, Youth & Adult Bible Studies - 6:30-7:15 PM
Choir Practice - 7:15–8:00 PM
Pastor's thoughts
When a person becomes a Christian or gets saved, they should and can expect the real church and real Christian people to speak truth from the Word into their life. It's true you'll find "faith-based" people and groups that will welcome you into their assemblies, use you and your money, and never speak a Word of truth to you from the Word of God. They will let you go on in the sin which keeps you chained down. They will let you continue in the sin that destroys your witness for our Savior Jesus Christ. They will let you continue being bound by your sin. You'll never experience freedom from the sins that bind you. They are robbing you of these victories that come through His power over sin after you have been born again. Those folks will never speak of your/their need to walk by faith when they don't see a way out of sin or a way to be obedient. They rob Jesus Christ of the opportunity to do a great work and give people victories in their lives. You'll find plenty of "faith-based" folks that will scratch your ears as scripture says in 2 Timothy 4:3-4. You will find very few in the world that care enough about you to speak truth, have the hard conversations and hold your feet to the flames of purification which is what Jesus Christ desires to do in His children's lives through His Word. Purge the impurities! Refine us in the fire of His Word! Unfortunately, people don't want this kind of preaching, salvation and growth. They want what's easy, convenient, and feels good to them. Don't believe the lies of Satan! If you don't believe what I'm saying, read and search the scriptures yourself, and you'll find that I'm telling you the truth from God's Word. Sadly, very few "Christians" will take the time to read and search the scriptures to check behind me. If you will read and search the scriptures, you'll find that Jesus offended many people with His preaching and teaching. Jesus called them out; He rebuked them; and when His teachings got hard, or following Him got hard or inconvenient, they quit following Him and turned back to their old ways. They rejected Jesus and His Word and went away sad.
Mark 10:17-22
They crucified Jesus for His preaching and teaching. You see, the world wants a politically correct, unholy, unrighteous, immoral, passive Jesus Christ who accepts everyone and everything with no rebuke or consequences for their sin and actions. They want a Jesus they can drink beer with! The world and many "pulpits" will give you that Jesus, but there will literally be hell to pay if you buy those lies and deceptions!
Thankfully, Jesus will accept anyone when they cry out to Him to be saved!
Romans 10:9-13
Jesus Christ changes lives, so if you're really saved, you can immediately expect Him to start the clean-up process.
2 Corinthians 5:17
He doesn't leave His children in the shape He finds them!
Hebrews 12:3-11
Will you receive this truth?
Revelation 13:9
God Bless you All,
Pastor Ray Renn
Mark 10:17-22
They crucified Jesus for His preaching and teaching. You see, the world wants a politically correct, unholy, unrighteous, immoral, passive Jesus Christ who accepts everyone and everything with no rebuke or consequences for their sin and actions. They want a Jesus they can drink beer with! The world and many "pulpits" will give you that Jesus, but there will literally be hell to pay if you buy those lies and deceptions!
Thankfully, Jesus will accept anyone when they cry out to Him to be saved!
Romans 10:9-13
Jesus Christ changes lives, so if you're really saved, you can immediately expect Him to start the clean-up process.
2 Corinthians 5:17
He doesn't leave His children in the shape He finds them!
Hebrews 12:3-11
Will you receive this truth?
Revelation 13:9
God Bless you All,
Pastor Ray Renn
live drive-thru nativity
On behalf of Vaughan Baptist Church, we'd like to say thank you to the approximately 600 people that attended our live nativity on the 13th and 14th. Thank you to all the volunteers who helped in any capacity to make this outreach possible. We had volunteers from five different churches give of their time and resources. As always it was a privilege to share the good news of Jesus Christ our Savior with you all and fellowship with our brothers and sisters in Christ. We'll see you all next year, Lord willing!
Thank you and God Bless,
Pastor Ray Renn
Thank you and God Bless,
Pastor Ray Renn
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Clenel & Lovelie Preval "Haiti Mission Update" 01.26.25 |
Wednesday Evening Bible Study
"Understanding My Salvation" Part 19, "Where Does the Unbeliever Go When They Die?" |
Haiti Mission Project
I hope you all are doing well this New Year. I just wanted to take a moment and share some updates on our ministry partnership with Haiti. In December, I met with the mission team at Lake Gaston Baptist to discuss the future vision for our ministry partnerships in Haiti. During our meeting we discussed in more detail the plans to establish a standalone ministry for continuing to grow and expand the partnership and reach in Haiti. We are currently exploring the legal formation of Center Faith Ministries which will be a 501C3 non-profit organization that will be the partner to Center Faith Ministries already established by Clenel in Haiti. This will allow our churches, organizations, individuals etc. to give tax deductible contributions directly to the ministry and for the board of directors along with the ministry director to work hand in hand with the Center Faith Ministries director in Haiti and carry out the vision and ministry of reaching Haiti in a greater way. The board of directors currently includes Adam Hammond (Chair), Ray Renn, Laura Renfrow, Jason Patterson, Clenel Preval, Paul Shorter and at least one other lady TBA. Laura and I will keep VBC posted as this ministry takes shape. Please pray for the process of forming Center Faith Ministries and the Board of Directors.
In October, VBC voted in our 2024-2025 year budget to sponsor Clenel's family in Haiti in the amount of $4800.00 annually. The family home in Haiti consists of his mom, dad, some of his younger siblings and some of his nieces and nephews. Clenel's parents have expressed deep gratitude and praise to the Lord for the help God has sent to them by way of VBC. Clenel shared that in Haiti, if a young girl does not get an education, she has no chance of getting a job which leaves her very few options. One of those few options is she will likely become a prostitute or sex slave just to be able to live. This was a disturbing reality Clenel shared with me. However, I was encouraged because Clenel said that one of his nieces is now able to go to school because of the support God provided through VBC. There is a picture below of her in her school uniform. She will have a much greater chance of survival and a better life because of this support.
Clenel's wife Lovelie just returned from Haiti. She was there for the annual wedding and baptism services they hold each year. There are pictures of these services below. These weddings and baptisms are a result of the work of the Holy Spirit in salvation and repentance of sin in these individual's and couples' lives. You see, marriage is not something of great importance in Haitian culture, particularly among the poor and heathen. What is amazing, is when these people and couples get saved, they start walking with the Lord and absorbing the Word of God. They then feel the need and conviction to repent of their sin. New converts are baptized and couples living in sin outside of marriage are baptized and joined together in marriage before God.
Wow! Salvation brings conviction and repentance of sin in people's lives! Oh Lord, our "Christian" culture in America needs some of that!!!
While Lovelie was there she visited "The Field" that we are hoping to purchase through the "Buy The Field" campaign. Below is a picture of her standing in the field.
We had the Prevals and their family with us last Sunday morning at VBC. They shared about the amazing work God did when Lovelie went to Haiti in December of last year. I want to praise the Lord for the work he's doing and the lives He’s changing in Haiti!
Our goal for the "Buy the Field" offering is $60,000.00. The property purchase would be approximately $30,000.00 of that. I recently shared that the need for the funds to purchase the property in Haiti had become urgent. The property owner's situation recently changed, and he could no longer keep the field indefinitely until we raised the money. He gave us a couple of months to secure the funds, so we began to pray and share about the need. At that point, approximately $4500.00 had been given towards "Buy the Field."
I want to say, "Praise the Lord from whom all blessings flow" for the money that was already given and because there was an anonymous gift in the amount of $25,000.00! This means God has provided the funds needed to purchase the property in Haiti, and we will be proceeding with that purchase in the weeks ahead. Praise the Lord!
Please continue to pray for the "Buy the Field" offering and give as you feel led. We still have a lot to do to complete the vision of equipping this community in Haiti with the resources they need to survive and the church with the resources it needs to further the kingdom. Once the property purchase is secured, we will still need to drill a well, build a structure, purchase equipment and a truck for transportation, plant crops, and build fences for the livestock we intend to raise.
With the Lord’s help, we are half way to the goal, but there is still a long way to go! With Him, all things are possible!
Thank You and God Bless You All,
Pastor Ray Renn
Clenel's wife Lovelie just returned from Haiti. She was there for the annual wedding and baptism services they hold each year. There are pictures of these services below. These weddings and baptisms are a result of the work of the Holy Spirit in salvation and repentance of sin in these individual's and couples' lives. You see, marriage is not something of great importance in Haitian culture, particularly among the poor and heathen. What is amazing, is when these people and couples get saved, they start walking with the Lord and absorbing the Word of God. They then feel the need and conviction to repent of their sin. New converts are baptized and couples living in sin outside of marriage are baptized and joined together in marriage before God.
Wow! Salvation brings conviction and repentance of sin in people's lives! Oh Lord, our "Christian" culture in America needs some of that!!!
While Lovelie was there she visited "The Field" that we are hoping to purchase through the "Buy The Field" campaign. Below is a picture of her standing in the field.
We had the Prevals and their family with us last Sunday morning at VBC. They shared about the amazing work God did when Lovelie went to Haiti in December of last year. I want to praise the Lord for the work he's doing and the lives He’s changing in Haiti!
Our goal for the "Buy the Field" offering is $60,000.00. The property purchase would be approximately $30,000.00 of that. I recently shared that the need for the funds to purchase the property in Haiti had become urgent. The property owner's situation recently changed, and he could no longer keep the field indefinitely until we raised the money. He gave us a couple of months to secure the funds, so we began to pray and share about the need. At that point, approximately $4500.00 had been given towards "Buy the Field."
I want to say, "Praise the Lord from whom all blessings flow" for the money that was already given and because there was an anonymous gift in the amount of $25,000.00! This means God has provided the funds needed to purchase the property in Haiti, and we will be proceeding with that purchase in the weeks ahead. Praise the Lord!
Please continue to pray for the "Buy the Field" offering and give as you feel led. We still have a lot to do to complete the vision of equipping this community in Haiti with the resources they need to survive and the church with the resources it needs to further the kingdom. Once the property purchase is secured, we will still need to drill a well, build a structure, purchase equipment and a truck for transportation, plant crops, and build fences for the livestock we intend to raise.
With the Lord’s help, we are half way to the goal, but there is still a long way to go! With Him, all things are possible!
Thank You and God Bless You All,
Pastor Ray Renn
Year-to-date received: $30,109.53
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but our physical & mailing address is: 192 Eaton Ferry Rd, Macon, NC 27551 Office Phone: 252-586-0259 |